quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2009

Fui espanholar daqui para fora...

Adeusinho, malta! Fui ali à capital vizinha ver se continua tudo no sítio, tal como a deixei em Junho passado.
Franz Ferdinand, Mando Diao, Nashville Pussy e Supersuckers: me aguardemmmmmm!!! Três dias, dois concertos, quatro bandas. Que mais se pode pedir num fim-de-semana prolongado em Madrid, em tão excelentes companhias?

We've seen some change
But we're still outsiders
If everybody's here
Then hell knows
We ride alone

I've seen some years
But you're still my Caesar
With everything I feel
I feel you've already been here

The only difference is all I see is now all that I've seen

It's bright on the outside
The bright love the dark side
I know it's obvious
But sometimes
You just have to say it
So you don't feel so weak
About being such a freak
Or alone

In seventeen years
Will you still be Camille
Lee Miller, Gala or whatever
You know what I mean, yeah

Love'll die
Lovers fade
But you still remain there
Squeezing in your fingers
What it means for me to be

The only difference is what might be is now what might have been

When you saw me sleeping
You thought I was dreaming of you
I didn't tell you
That the only dream
Is Valium for me
The only difference is that
What might be is now.

[Franz Ferdinand, "The Outsiders"]

Amanhã, às 10h na Portela, para, tal como dizia a Miss I Am Free no blog dela, «espalharmos o terror» e "burn this city". Fuck yeah!
E agora é que é, vou espanholar daqui para fora e é já. Até para a semana!

1 comentário:

Miss-I-Am-Free-Because-I-Belong-Nowhere disse...

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! :D We are going TO BURN THIS CITY!!!!

Beijinhos e até já, guapa

Can hardly wait! :D:D::D